NEWS: Crazed Fan Attacks Treasure Fingers During Bassnectar’s 360 NYE Event

tfGiven it was New Year’s Eve, there is never an excuse to disobey and disrespect a show by attacking the performer. In this case, a crazy (and probably wasted) fan at Bassnectar‘s 360 NYE event in Nashville, TN, climbed on stage and took a dive at the night’s direct support and Atlanta producer Treasure Fingers. Luckily, Treasure Fingers is a boss and can’t be distracted by such a clown. Apparently most the crowd had no clue anything like this happened and all the fans in the crowd were blown away by the night’s music.  Check out Treasure Finger’s post via Instagram & Twitter from Jan. 1, the morning after the event. We sure hope this guy gets the black list from all future events!

Watch Crazed Fan Attack Treasure Fingers on Youtube:


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